These are great questions, and seeing your answers would have been so helpful to me when I was job searching!
One to add if the position you're applying will be managing anyone is, What's your management style?
Maybe also describe a time when you got buy-in from multiple teams to reach a common goal? And how about if they ask about a time when you went outside your comfort zone? And what would your last manager say about you?
Thanks Rosana. Those are great additions. I'm also thinking of adding a section about how to sell yourself aka "doing the job in the interview." Not sure what form that will take, though. I think in order to get this to a place where it's worth charging for, I need for it to provide more value than it does now.
These are great questions, and seeing your answers would have been so helpful to me when I was job searching!
One to add if the position you're applying will be managing anyone is, What's your management style?
Maybe also describe a time when you got buy-in from multiple teams to reach a common goal? And how about if they ask about a time when you went outside your comfort zone? And what would your last manager say about you?
Thanks Rosana. Those are great additions. I'm also thinking of adding a section about how to sell yourself aka "doing the job in the interview." Not sure what form that will take, though. I think in order to get this to a place where it's worth charging for, I need for it to provide more value than it does now.
You're definitely on the way there!