When you signed up for this list, I linked to a PDF I created called “20 Questions to Answer - Before the Interview.”
I’m working on expanding that document into a Notion template that includes a lot more detail and examples to help people with the new world of interviews.
So I thought I would share the in-progress document with you, and ask for your help evaluating where I take it from here. Just click the graphic to get to the document.
What would you like to see included in a document like this? What interview-related resources would most help you? Let me know in the comments or by replying to this email.
These are great questions, and seeing your answers would have been so helpful to me when I was job searching!
One to add if the position you're applying will be managing anyone is, What's your management style?
Maybe also describe a time when you got buy-in from multiple teams to reach a common goal? And how about if they ask about a time when you went outside your comfort zone? And what would your last manager say about you?