Weird, I've been thinking about this kind of mindset — in terms of both who I'm hanging out with and what my own frame of mind is. There's so much truth to that reminder to feed the right wolf. I'm feeling so much anger and frustration with the world now that I have to keep reminding myself to lead with love. And I love your illustration of this with the two comic strips! Sarcasm can be fun, but it's best kept to small doses. Dilbert resonated with people because it brought to light so many real experiences, and that's useful — to help people realize that 1) they're not alone and 2) the situation they're in is not normal or right. But then, what do you do with that? Stew in that feeling and keep reading more Dilbert, or find a way to get out of/improve the situation?

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Thanks Rosana. We’re all so stressed out right now. I know I am. And I’m a naturally sarcastic person. I need to watch it and not let it get the best of me.

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