Agree with this. They are trying to envision you in the job and on the team, so you should do the same. Especially as an older worker, there can be fear about age bias and having few opportunities so you might be inclined to try to "get" and "take" most any job you can. Totally get that, but if you take a job that isn't good for you it won't be good for anybody and there will be a lot of misery. So, the corollary here is they are interviewing you and you should be interviewing them. If you don't like what you hear, dig deeper. Don't be afraid to ask more than just two questions. And if you ask 2 or 20 questions and you are left with a bad feeling, listen to your little voice and move on.

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I never thought about this before, bit you're 100% right: Look at it as not an interview for a job you want, but the first staff meeting for the job you already have.

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