Interesting. When I worked at a college bookstore, I saw some of these books on course book lists. I will have to look into some of them. One I've seen on book lists for years is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I haven't read it myself, but I know some of the tenets inside it (such as "ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness" - meaning that's how long you need to put into something to gain a certain level of expertise). I don't know if the book would apply well to the job market, but it hopefully helps students as they're trying to gain their feet about something.
Me? I'm nearing middle-age myself, so I know my time of investing 10,000 hours into something to "get great" at it are over. Oh well!
Looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on!
I'd add a wonderful (and not too long) book I read recently, Four Thousand Weeks — a sort of anti-time management book that provides great insights and tips on how to really use your time well. More here:
Not off the top of my head but I love looking at things that are well designed. And I love real books; however, I use Pinterest when I’m looking for specific styles: vintage typography, drop shadow art, etc.
Interesting. When I worked at a college bookstore, I saw some of these books on course book lists. I will have to look into some of them. One I've seen on book lists for years is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I haven't read it myself, but I know some of the tenets inside it (such as "ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness" - meaning that's how long you need to put into something to gain a certain level of expertise). I don't know if the book would apply well to the job market, but it hopefully helps students as they're trying to gain their feet about something.
Me? I'm nearing middle-age myself, so I know my time of investing 10,000 hours into something to "get great" at it are over. Oh well!
Looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on!
I'd add a wonderful (and not too long) book I read recently, Four Thousand Weeks — a sort of anti-time management book that provides great insights and tips on how to really use your time well. More here:
Fantastic! Thanks Rosana.
Yup, the one you just suggested, along with “Show & Tell” and “Design Book”. I love when I getting an email saying my books are in!
I just put three of these on hold at the library! Thanks, Adam!
I'm so glad, Melissa! What books are on your "be a student again" list? Anything design related that you love?
Not off the top of my head but I love looking at things that are well designed. And I love real books; however, I use Pinterest when I’m looking for specific styles: vintage typography, drop shadow art, etc.
Which three books did you put on your library list? I think you would love "The Design of Everyday Things" if you haven't already read it.