When I first started writing Mighty Forces, I had a lot of grand ideas about the future of this project.
Naively I thought that I was creating a community of older job seekers, where we could interact with each other, support each other, and share ideas and strategies.
As great as the past year has been, I have to rate my community-building effort as a failure.
That’s OK.
There’s still a lot of great information, perspectives and strategies in the archives around here. And I so appreciate the people who have commented and engaged with me over the last year.
We are all busy. We have a million bits of information whizzing past our heads every day. I often say that I believe we have outpaced our squishy human brains’ ability to manage our complicated lives.
As @VeryBadLlama said on Twitter:
Hey sorry I missed your text. I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave.
As my friend the marketing coach Ronnie Noize said recently, engagement online is way down overall. That’s understandable.
I do try to ask you questions routinely around here, and try to get feedback. But just as we know when we try to get feedback after an unsuccessful job interview, that feedback is like water in the desert.
Getting you involved
So here’s something I’ve been thinking about. I have enjoyed doing both video and audio interviews with people who have thought-provoking connections to job hunting over 50. Here are some great ones in case you missed them.
Lead with your value
Depression and job hunting
How to get through getting fired
What I would like to do is invite you (Yes! You!) to come on and do an interview with me about your experiences.
It can be on video or audio through Zoom, or I can send you some questions by email and you can respond. It’s so exciting to think about all the stories you all have, and how I can use this platform to share them.
The focus around here should be you, not just whatever comes into my head this week.
Interested? Let’s talk. Just reply to this email, or better yet, leave a comment letting me know what you would like to talk about.
I can’t wait to hear from you.
Thanks as always for being here. See you next week.
NOTE: The subhead this week comes from one of my favorite birthday cards ever, which I sent to my brother. On the front it had those Boynton animals singing, “Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You…”
And inside it said, “You, you, you. It’s all about you, isn’t it?”