This is so helpful. I was thinking about starting my own web site, though I don't know if I want it to be me-centric for my writing or a hub for other writers. Still deciding. But it's useful that I have your how-to guide for what I need to do when I decide to get my ducks in a row. Thanks!
I love this idea! I am thinking from all sorts of perspectives (mine are artist, teacher, business owner) and how my own website could act as a portfolio of sorts. I can’t wait to hear more. Thank you!
I hope the full series of articles on personal websites were helpful to you. Let me know if there was anything you were interested in that I didn't cover.
This is so helpful. I was thinking about starting my own web site, though I don't know if I want it to be me-centric for my writing or a hub for other writers. Still deciding. But it's useful that I have your how-to guide for what I need to do when I decide to get my ducks in a row. Thanks!
I love this idea! I am thinking from all sorts of perspectives (mine are artist, teacher, business owner) and how my own website could act as a portfolio of sorts. I can’t wait to hear more. Thank you!
I hope the full series of articles on personal websites were helpful to you. Let me know if there was anything you were interested in that I didn't cover.