I’ve been writing this newsletter for two years now.
It’s been great, on one level. It’s kept me writing, and given me some structure. I haven’t missed a week, except when I was in the hospital with a stroke. I’m proud of what I’ve been able to create.
But on the basic level of having an impact, I think this newsletter has been a failure.
I asked for feedback on the usefulness of this content last week. And out of my 164 subscribers, I got three responses.
I feel like I’m only speaking to myself and my friends, and that was not my intention, at all.
The dream was to create an online community of older job seekers, and I haven’t figured out how to make that happen.
For a while I was writing a book about this topic, and it seemed to be going OK. But because of factors both in and out of my control, that project has hit a major stumbling block, and I’m wondering if the book is worth writing at all.
So I’m taking one last stab at asking for your feedback. Do you think this newsletter is worth continuing? If so, why?
One strategy I’m considering is transitioning everything over to LinkedIn - reposting all my legacy content there, since those readers might possibly hire me.
But I’m really feeling at sea right now.
It doesn’t help that I’m getting over covid, and still feeling mentally foggy from it. And there are family issues weighing on me too.
So I really need your help figuring out the future of this newsletter. I know I’m not reaching the people I intended to, and I don’t know how to fix that.
Please, let me know your thoughts, either as a comment or by replying to this email. Thanks.
Even if you have never commented before, and especially if you haven’t, it would mean a lot to me if you would, this time.
Thanks to everyone reading this. I appreciate you so much.
Have a great week.
Because I am not looking for a job presently, I read your blog but do not connect. Perhaps if you would take time looking at two fronts; keeping the job as things change and then when you need to make a change see what you need to do differently than the last time.
I may be biased, but I think the book and the newsletter are valuable. Brian and Bill have a point. You probably need to try additional tactics to help the newsletter find its audience, and that audience can also be an audience for the book when it's published.