I had a job interview last week.
[Hold for applause] 😁
And as always, they found a question to ask me that I hadn’t prepared an answer for.
“What is a misconception people have about you?”
In the spirit of pivoting to something that I felt comfortable with, I decided to talk about being an introvert.
I’m a hardcore introvert. But most people still don’t understand what being an introvert is.
It’s not about being shy. I am not shy. If anything, I am strong coffee.
I love people. I love talking to people. It’s not about that either.
Whether you are an introvert or extrovert just means where you get your energy. If you get your energy from being with people, you are an extrovert. If your energy gets drained by being with people, you are an introvert.
Simple as that.
So I thought I would talk today about some interview strategies that will help you if you are an introvert like me.
Manage your energy. Try to give yourself enough time between interviews or other social interactions so you can reclaim your energy lost. Every time you go into an interview with an energy deficit, you lower your chances of success.
It’s not a test, it’s a conversation. Remember that you are interviewing them, too. You should definitely prepare: review possible questions, research the company. But beware overpreparing and psyching yourself out. You’re not taking the SATs.
Take your time. As I mentioned, chances are they will ask you at least one question that you don’t have a ready answer for. That’s normal. Just be willing to slow down, think it through, and ask questions to clarify what they are looking for. That should give you the space to give a thoughtful and cogent answer.
Ask questions. Make sure you have some well-considered questions to ask your interviewer(s). You don’t want to be so focused on your answers that you neglect to ask questions. One great one is, “What’s the biggest problem you have that you want this person to solve?”
Tamp down your expectations. One of the best ways to do better in interviews is to lower the stakes. Early in my career, I thought every interview was the end of the world, and that pressure made me fall apart. If you are confident in your abilities, no single interview is the end of the world. Try to remember that.
This week, I would love to hear from you about a question you were asked in an interview that you were not prepared for, and how you handled it. I think we could all benefit from some commiseration on interviews, whether you are an introvert or extrovert.
Onward and upward!
All hail the introverts, indeed!